“My biggest problem is I don’t sleep like I used to anymore…”
Great songwriters are often gifted with the ability to spin tales, to imagine characters and fabricate fantastic details of their lives. Alec Lytle is no such songwriter. Woven of his own loves, losses, triumphs and missteps, his songs ring honest and carry the character and mood of the redwood forest where he lives and writes.
What People Are Saying…
"Lytle’s innocent, unblemished voice wraps around these melancholy, sometimes dark songs like gauze around a wound. The result is a debut whose immaculate sonics join with a talented cast and show Lytle to be a singer/songwriter worth watching..."
— American Songwriter Magazine
"Lytle’s music is a breath of fresh air that transports you to that peaceful and serene place, like sitting around a campfire on a warm summer night with family and friends."
— Raul Campos, KCRW 89.9 FM Los Angeles
"The Remains of Sunday opens the door to a world of shade where light and dark collide, exposing us to a myriad of possibilities."