"The Remains of Sunday opens the door to a world of shade where light and dark collide, exposing us to a myriad of possibilities."
— For Folk’s Sake - Bob Fish
“The Remains of Sunday reflects a man of substance, with confidence, as if he’s found a newer road map and is heading in a more focused, more defined direction.”
— Guitar International - Rick Landers
“Lytle’s innocent, unblemished voice wraps around these melancholy, sometimes dark songs like gauze around a wound. The result is a debut whose immaculate sonics join with a talented cast and show Lytle to be a singer/songwriter worth watching…”
— American Songwriter Magazine
"Lytle’s music is a breath of fresh air that transports you to that peaceful and serene place, like sitting around a campfire on a warm summer night with family and friends.”
— Raul Campos - KCRW 89.9FM Los Angeles